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Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation Association Meeting Minutes
1912 Hours, 20 May, 2015
Camp Mabry - Austin, Texas

Members present:Members present: Members present: John A, John C, Rory C, David C, Mark C, Mitch C, Barry F, Madison H, Rick H, Danny K, Jeff M, Sam R, Charlie S and Charlie W, apologies to any not mentioned.

President's Comments: Rory C. Thanks to Carrol H, Jamie H, Charlie W and Manuel P for providing the food for the Mabry and Temple events! Also thanks to Clint D, Scott P, Charlie S, Rory C, Sam R, James H, Mark C, David C, Tim B and all others who made the use of the MKT possible at Muster and Temple!

Introductions - New Members/Guest speakers: NONE

Treasurer's Report: Trent P- $2285.27 including donations and expenses from Muster and Temple not including monies collected or paid this evening.

Quartermaster Report: – T-Shirts order approved by the members in attendance..

Website Report: Rick H: NONE

Newsletter Report:Sam R- Facebook growing and attracting non member interest!

Recent Events
Upcoming Events
Old Business:
Canopy move from Kaiserville to Clarkscille.

New Business: none

National Activity: NONE

Announcements: 50/50 drawing: Sam R.

Adjourn: 2022