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Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation Association Meeting Minutes
1907 Hours, 17 December 2014
Camp Mabry - Austin, Texas

Members present: Bill B, Ward B (and Mrs.B), Amanda B, John C, Dan C, Rory C, Mitch C, Mark C, Toby C, David C (and GF), Caitlin C, Clint D (and Daughter), Barry F, Ed H, James H, Fred H, Madison H (and Mrs.H), Rick H, Danny K (and Mrs.K), Domingo M, Trent P, Merv P, Scott P (and Mrs.P), Sam R, Charlie S, John SS, Andy S, Charlie W, and Matthew W (and Mom) apologies to any not mentioned.

President's Comments: Danny K. Thanks to all!

Introductions - New Members: Dan D and Rick J

Treasurer's Report: Ed H- $2457.16

Quartermaster Report:Barry F. - Shirts available for sale

Website Report: Rick H: Rick H: Up to date.

Newsletter Report:Sam R- Facebook growing and attracting non member interest!

Recent Events
Upcoming Events
Old Business: None

New Business:Elections: Rory C, President
Ward B, Vice President
Trent P, treasurer
Sam R, Secretary

Barry F named 2014 MVP
Marv P’s pennant design approved

Announcements: David C now Honorably Discharged USMC
Caitlin C graduated UT with Honors
Adjourn: 1925