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Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation Association Meeting Minutes

17 June 2009
Call to Order - 1900 hrs.

Members present included:
John A.  Ed H.  Fred H.  Madison H.  Rick H.
Danny K.  John K.  Lee K.   Jeff M.   Scott P
Sam R   Herb T.   Claude V.  Charlie W.  Fred W.

Rick H. presided over the meeting.

Introductions - Guests, New Members: Marc and Julie C.

Quartermaster Report:
John K. reported that the club needs more 2x size shirts and that the inventory has a lot of small and medium shirts. He recommended that the club sell the small size shirts at a reduced price and order the larger size shirts. There was a move to sell the small and medium shirts for $7.50 and two for $14. The move was seconded and passed. John K also recommended that we price shirts with the invasion star on it. He will get the cost information and present it at a later date. Club members requested that we get 3x shirts with pockets.

Treasurer's Report:
Toby C. was out of state. No report available Web Site Update: Rick H. reported that the site is up to date as of 17 June 2009. Newsletter Update: Rick H reported that the newsletter was ready for mailing. He asked that the members present take their newsletter and check the address. Those that did not have an addressed newsletter should take an unaddressed newsletter and record their name and address on the list provided.

Recent Events:
Upcoming Events:
Danny K. outlined upcoming events. Danny will send out additional information as it becomes available and information will be posted on the club web site. Events included:
Old Business:
•Danny K. displayed a sandwich board to replace the current board. The cost of the board is $50 and to paint the board is $90 per side. The club moved to buy the board and wait on the painting. The motion was passed.

New Business:


Adjourn: 1957 hours.