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Smithville Memorial

30 May , 2022

,Smithville, TX


Start Over

After Action Report "Laying of the Wreaths". Memorial Day
Event: Annual Memorial Day
Event Purpose: Honor the Bastrop county Solders who have passed away Date: Monday May 30, 2022
Location: Smithville Memorial Park, Bastrop County Texas.

Two members of the Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation Asso. Were requested to support the Smithville Veterans Memorial Park "Laying of the Wreaths". Memorial Day Monday 30th May 2022. Event started at 09:35. The club has supported this event for the past 7 years. The requestor and our contact was Mrs. Kathy Karcher of Smithville city hall. Her contact information is:shineboch64@gmail.com. We managed to provide two members representing the Vietnam era.

This year the weather was good, somewhat hot, No rain. The event went well with the reading of all the names of Bastrop County who died serving in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and Desert storm. The reading of the names took fourteen minutes. A single ring of a bell was heard after each name. Jim H and Madison H remained at attention and rendering the hand salute as the colors of each branch of the service went by. When the reading of the names started Jim H and Madison H saluted and went behind the monument and sat in chairs until the reading of the names were completed. They returned to the monument front and rendered the salute during the playing of Taps. The club provided the M16 rifle stuck in the sand bags with dog tags and helmet from the Vietnam era in memorial to those who have given their life to defend America.

Parking between the Recreation center and the park was easy. Smithville provides cold water to anyone at the event.

Members who participated were:
Madison H Army uniform Vietnam era
Jim H Army uniform Vietnam era

After the ceremony all Veterans and family was invited to the VFW hall in Smithville fo Hamburgers. Jim H and Madison H opted not to attend the meal.

Mrs. Karcher told us how much Smithville appreciated our presents and please do it again next year.

Photo's by Madison H.


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