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Burnet HEB Kids Day

30 July, 2022

Burnet, TX


Start Over

Event: HEB Kids Day
Date: 30 July 2022 10am-4pm
Location: Burnet, TX

We were invited by Burnet HEB grocery and the Burnet Air Museum to participate in the annual HEB Kids Day event, which is held by most of their stores around the state.

The event was held in a section of the parking lot by the front of the store. In addition to our vehicles and military equipment displays, there was a petting zoo and various other kid-friendly booths.

Participating from our group were Scott and Kelly P in the M813A1, Bob H with his M151A2, Rory and Panda C with the M931A2, and Jeff C with his 1942 GPW.

We had a good crowd for most of the day, but it started to seriously thin out after 3pm. The event was supposed to run until 4pm, but when the air temperature had risen to 103* and still going up, HEB called it at 3:30. We were getting a tad warm at that point, so no one objected to a slightly early departure.

HEB were great hosts, providing a good lunch and all the water/gatorade we could drink.


Photo's by Rory C.


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