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Gonzales Parade

7 October, 2017

Gonzales, Texas


Start Over

Event : Gonzales Parade

Location : Gonzales Texas

Date: October 7 2017

The Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation Asso. Attended the “Come and Take It” Parade on Saturday the 7 th of 2017. The weather was great for a parade. The parade started at 10:30 a.m. The download Parking lot was the local High school Parking lot located on N.ST Joseph st. (183 BR). Madison H and Danny K were the only LSMVPA members to show up. Madison H had his M 37 Dodge Truck. Danny was a passenger in Madison’s truck. We left the parking lot at 08:30 a.m. to line up and be in place for judging that started at 09:00 a.m. We were in place when the first judges care came by. Our Number in the parade was 82. Madison did salute the judges and told them who we were! At 10:00 entries from the back of the parade began passing our position and stopped at the judging stand until the 10:30 start. The parade went well the people of Gonzales are always patriotic. Veterans in wheel chairs even stand as we went by.

As we approached the viewing stand area we saw a lady bring an award from the table. She handed it to Danny through the window and we gave everyone the thumbs up. We showed off the Award several place along the parade route and got applause each time we held it out the window. The award was a First Place out of Town entry.

The Gonzales Parade has always been a good one! Madison has attended every one since 2005 but sadly we missed last year due to a late entry problem. This event is put on by the Gonzales Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture & Visitor Center.
E-mail admin@gonzalestexas.com this year contact was Liz Reily-DuBose.



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