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Lone Star MVPA



Standard Operating Procedures for Lone Star MVPA Club

(Loss of member or a member’s loved one)

Purpose: This procedure is to direct the club President and members to take action when a member of the club or a close member of a member’s family dies. Close family members are considered as wife, brother, sister, child or parents.

Notification: Once a club member is notified of the death of a member or member’s family the club member shall E-Mail or call the President of the club or the Vice President should the President not be available. The member who receives the information should convey all known facts at the time to the President or Vice President. President Actions: The President of the club shall verify the information before any club wide notification is sent. Should a member who has a close friendship with the member or his family have information he should convey the information to the President in support of the E-Mail notification.

E-Mail Notification: The President shall initiate an E-Mail containing the member’s name and who died. This shall be sent to all club members. Information might not be complete at the time of the first E-Mail.

The President will try to gather additional information as to arrangements. This sometimes takes several days. Once the President determines where and when the services will be held, he will send an E-Mail to the membership which shall including the bereaved member’s mailing address. Any and all may feel free to attend the funeral if the member does not object or give notice that the service is limited to family members only. Members are also encouraged to send cards or donations to the charity of the member’s choice.

Presidents Action: The President shall send a sympathy card signed by the President on behalf of the club membership. A second card signed by the membership present at the next regular meeting shall also be sent to the member. This may be several days after the funeral but it is still a membership show of appreciation of the member’s loss.

The President shall be approved to direct the Treasurer to provide a check for not more than $25.00 to be sent to the member’s specified charity if one is specified. This shall be done in lieu of sending flowers.

Date of membership approval:___________________________
This document may be revised as needed. Latest date of approval shall be in force.
President, Lone Star MVPA _________________________ Date ________________


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