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Pumpkins and Paratroopers

28 October, 2023

Burnet Airport, Burnet, Texas



Start Over

EVENT: Pumpkins and Paratroopers
LOCATION: Burnet Airport , TX
DATE: 28 October 2023

The now-annual Pumpkins and Paratroopers event for kids, held by the Burnet Air Museum and Bluebonnet chapter of the CAF, was on Saturday October 28th.
The event was due to start at noon, but by 1120 kids were swarming in, so it was on.

The weather was gloomy and a bit threatening, with very low clouds and rain showers all around the area, but for the event it held well, with only one brief shower on us. The low ceiling did prevent the parachutists from jumping, however.

Members attending were John B with his jeep, Jeff C with his jeep and equipment display, Rory C with his 5-ton tractor, and Austin W with his DeLorean. There were aircraft and military equipment displays.
The kid-count was estimated at 1250 by the museum, and a large percentage of them climbed in and on the vehicles!

Another successful event, and a fun one to be a part of.

Once again, HEB generously provided all the pumpkins for the event.

Photo's by Rory C and CAF


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