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LSMVPA Club Picnic

21 October, 2023

Cedar Creek, Texas


Start Over

LOCATION: Madison Hughes Ranch, Cedar Creek, TX
DATE: 21 October 2023

Vehicles at Picnic: 2, M-37-Madison, M35A2-Gareth R Members at Picnic: 50

First and foremost I want to thank Madison H for allowing us to assemble at his home ranch to have our annual picnic. And also the preparatory land clearing and table/chairs setup by him and Charlie S. I also want to thank Danny K for coordinating with Pokey-Joe's and Rory C & Jackie W for handling the door prize event.

We had approximately 50 members and their significant others in attendance. Unfortunately there were a small number who were sick and unable to attend. They were missed along with those unable to attend for various other reasons. The weather was clear with temps up in the 90's but the humidity was down which helped.

All the comments were positive and it was good to see some unfamiliar faces that we only see once or twice a year from out of town. Four members had a mini-swap meet that looked like they did move some of their items. The Pokey-Joe's meal was great as usual and there was plenty left over for take home plates. A very successful picnic.

Jim H

Photo's by Jim H, Rick H, and Madison H


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