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Lakeway 4th of July Parade

4 July, 2023

Lakeway, TX


Start Over

After Action Report:
Event: Lakeway 4th of July Parade
Date: 4 July, 2023
Location: Lakeway Texas.

We once again participated in the Lakeway Independence Day parade, an event we have been a part of most years of the last 25. We had decided that rather than do several different city parades as we have done for several years, we would try to gather as many as possible of our group at one event this time.

The day itself was cloudy, but the rain stayed away. The parade also starts early (0800) to beat the heat, so the pictures are not especially bright.

We were the first entry in the parade, directly behind the flags. The Lakeway mayor awarded our group the First Place award!

This has always been a big and well attended parade, and Independence Day is a grand day to be a part of such an event.

America at its best.

Participants included Sam R, Bob H, Madison H, Joey H home on leave from the Army with two buddies, Caitlin C, Scott P, Rory C, Gareth R, Bill N, and John S.

Vehicles - M274 Mule, M1009, M37, M35A2 with M105 trailer, M813A1, M151A2, M931A2, Willys MB, Humvee with M1102 trailer

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