Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation Association Meeting Minutes

21 January 2009
Call to Order - 1910 hrs.

Members present included:
Ward B.  Rory C.  Toby C.  Clint D.
Kevin D.  Ed H.  Fred H.  Madison H.
Rick H.  Danny K.  John K.  John SS.
Herb T.  Claude V.  Sam R.  Charlie W.
Scott P.

Introductions - Guests, New Members: : Fred W. and his wife Leona, Amanda B.

Quartermaster Report:
Herb T. stepped down as Quartermaster. John K is the new Quartermaster.

Treasurer's Report:
John SS presented the Treasurer’s report. Dues and Insurance is due. Insurance is $25 per year for members that bring vehicles to events. John SS turned over the treasurer duties and funds to Toby C. Please make checks payable to Toby C for dues and insurance. Members may check with Toby C for membership and insurance status.

Web Site Update:

Newsletter Update:
Rick H presented the newsletter report. 2009 calendars are available at the meeting and on line.

Recent Events:

Upcoming Events:Danny K. outlined upcoming events. Danny will send out additional information as it becomes available and information will be posted on the club web site. Kevin D. offered to donate some items.

Danny K commented that there are several events that are coming up in which the club may have the opportunity to collect donations and that we need to be prepared. He also announced that Scott S. will be available to cook at the Burnett Air Show, Muster Day, and the Temple Air Show. Since the club cannot afford to pay for all of the food, there will be a charge for the meals. The amount is TBD. Old Business:
•  Toby C. reported that he had contacted the Army Recruitment Command and that the Heritage and Train Museum in Temple has contacted him to determine if we could attend their Family Fun Day.

New Business:

•  Ed H. offered to assist the club in getting items to sell (exchange for donations). Rory C. will coordinate.

•  Danny K has foot lockers available.
•  Madison H has sand bags available.

Adjourn: 2027 hours.