Call to Order - 7:41 p.m.

General introductions were made by the President and member Clint D. was specifically welcomed and introduced.

The minutes of the October and November 2004 meetings were unanimously approved.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the National MVPA. The number of chapter members was noted to be 58 with 15 not belonging to National. Expense categories of significance were outlined as insurance, T-shirts, koozies, and brass. As part of his report, the Treasurer noted that membership renewal notices would be sent out shortly reflecting the dues increases approved in November.

No specific information was provided on the club website, but members were once again encouraged to submit after action reports and pictures. The latest issue of the newsletter was circulated and it was announced that the last two issues were in production and would be out shortly.

Recent events were highlighted by Danny K. and the members present including the Boerne nighttime lighted Christmas Parade. This event was attended by John K., Jeff H., and T.J. S. with two jeeps and a one and half ton truck. A 3rd place award was bestowed for their participation as they aptly reflected the theme of "I'll Be Home for Christmas." Events without attendance by club members were listed as Buda and Leander with uncertainty reported as to attendance at the LaVernia Reenactment.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. and club members based on available information. Included in the list of upcoming events were available descriptions, dates, and logistical details for the Monster Truck Show, Boy Scout Report to the State Parade, the Texas Independence Day Parade, the Iwo Jima +60 commemoration, Goliad, the Burnet Air Show, and the Temple Air Show. In addition, the opportunity to participate in a static display at an area Boy Scout awards banquet was reported by Bill B. Also of interest to the club was the opportunity to participate in Blue Santa. Details were provided. It was further noted that, as in the past, additional information will be provided at future meetings, on the website, and by email as needed.

The outgoing club President, Tim W., described the contributions of the 2004 winner of the Most Valuable Participant Award and announced his name. Applause followed as did comments of general approval. Due to the absence of this member, it was decided that his name would be kept under wraps until one of the larger events in 2005 when the award can be presented. In keeping with this decision, it was noted that the December meeting minutes would be drafted to avoid inadvertently disclosing the 2004 award recipient.

National news was reported and generally discussed. The members in attendance also discussed the ongoing efforts regarding a club patch to be created and forwarded to National for inclusion on its traveling display board. Danny K. indicated that more information would be available "very soon."

There being no old business raised for discussion, new business and announcements were taken up. Appreciation was expressed by the club Vice President, Ward B., and echoed by those in attendance regarding the service to the club by Tim W., Jeni L., Jeff M., Scott S., and Danny K. Outgoing President, Tim W. was acknowledged and given a plaque for his service. The plaque included the new club patch which Danny K. pointed out and indicated that additional patches were available for sale. A Christmas card was circulated for sending to honorary member USAF 1st Lieutenant Robin P. Members were reminded of the expert driver award bestowed by National. It was announced that an antique girl's bicycle was available for purchase.

There being no further business or announcements, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. and the members then took part in the annual holiday party that followed.



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