Call to Order - 7:07 p.m.

General introductions were made by the President. Members present included: Tim W., Jeni L., Jeff M., Danny K., Claude V., John K., Herb T., John E., Rory C., Barry F., John A., Scott S., Curtis J. and Mrs. J., and John S.

The minutes of the October 2004 meeting were not available for review so no action on them was taken.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. No problems or concerns were raised regarding financials. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the National MVPA. The number of chapter members was noted to be 57 with 14 not belonging to National. The percentage of participation in National was calculated to be 75%. Expense categories of significance were outlined as insurance, T-shirts, koozies, and brass. As part of his report, the Treasurer raised the possible need for a dues increase. It was reported that $130 had been raised by donations to offset the costs of club insurance. Discussion followed about the impact on individual members and the fact that dues have not ever been raised. After extensive discussion, including discussion on the need or lack of a need for club insurance, a motion was made and passed to raise dues in each of the three existing categories to $18, $45, and $75, respectively, so as to be effective during the upcoming renewal cycle.

Scott S. reported that he has taken care of the URL and hosting for the website which had been previously approved. No other significant developments or updates were provided regarding the website. The latest issue of the newsletter was once again noted to be delayed due to conflicting the personal and professional obligations of one of the Co-Editors.

Recent events were highlighted by Danny K. and the members present including the park rededication in San Antonio in the name of Sgt. Edward S. Garcia (USAF), the Great Western Show, the UT Normandy Scholars Program which included a conference call to Joe Rosenthal (the photographer who took the 2nd flag raising picture on Iwo Jima), and the Veterans' Day Parade.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. and club members based on available information. Included in the list of upcoming events were descriptions, dates, and logistical details for the LaVernia Reenactment, the Houston Gun Show, the Monster Truck Show, the Texas Independence Day Parade, and the Iwo Jima +60 commemoration. It was further noted that, as in the past, additional information will be provided at future meetings, on the website, and by email as needed.

In the absence of Toby C., the club President assumed the role as Nominating Chair since he was not running for reelection. The floor was opened for nominations. A slate was established and nominations were closed. There being only one contested position to be filled, a vote was held on all of the positions except for President. The candidates for President were excused and the members held a caucus on the candidates. A vote was held and Scott S. was elected as the next club President. Ward Boyce was re-elected as Vice President and Jeff M. as Treasurer. Rick H. was elected as the new club Secretary.

National news was reported and generally discussed. Members were reminded of the MPVA Directory which is in the works and the need to get information in no later than November 29, 2004. The members in attendance also discussed the need for a club patch to be created and forwarded to National for inclusion on its traveling display board. A consensus was reached on the design and pricing. Danny K. and Scott S. agreed to take the lead on this project and report back.

Non-dues revenue was discussed with a general recap.

There being no old business raised for discussion and no new business taken up, the agenda moved on to announcements.
Announcements included an update on the restoration of Jeff M.'s jeep as well as reproduction gear from Harlan's Heroes.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

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