Call to Order - 7:11 p.m.

General introductions were skipped since those members present were regular attendees who knew one another. Members present included: Tim W., Jeni L., Ward B., Jeff M., Danny K., Claude V., Herb T., Scott S., Rick H., Jim H., and John S.

The minutes of the August 2004 meeting were not available for review so no action on them was taken.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. No problems or concerns were raised regarding financials. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the National MVPA. The number of chapter members was noted to be 56 with 13 not belonging to National. The percentage of participation in National was calculated to be 77%. Expense categories of significance were outlined as insurance, T-shirts, koozies, and brass. With donations for the non-dues revenue items, it was predicted that the income should balance out the bulk of the expenses and the chapter should begin to be caught up toward the end of the year.

No significant developments or updates were provided regarding the website. It was requested that an after action report be provided on the club convoy and that one also be submitted for the 36th Infantry Division re-flagging along with any available pictures. The latest issue of the newsletter was noted to still be a work in progress.

Recent events were highlighted by Danny K. and the members present including the Fort Worth Militaria Show and the Conrad Netting Presentation at the Austin Antique Gun Collectors Club meeting.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. and club members based on available information. Included in the list of upcoming events were descriptions, dates, and logistical details. Emphasis was placed on the Driftwood Parade, Camp Mabry Muster, and the Veterans' Day Parade. Other events referenced were the Gonzales "Come and Take It" Parade, the park rededication in honor of Sgt. Edward S. Garcia (USAF), the Hutto Parade, the Great Western Show, an opportunity for a static display at the Lackland AFB Exchange, and the Elgin Hogeye Festival. The club determined that there would be no group participation in the Gonzalez event due to the conflict with the Camp Mabry Muster and that the club would not be participating in the Hutto parade due to its size and scheduling conflicts for members present at the meeting. It was further noted that as in the past additional information will be provided at future meetings, on the web site, and by email as needed.

National news was reported and generally discussed. No major items were noted.

Non-dues revenue was discussed with a general recap for members in attendance. Tim W. reported that the email about the new T-shirt order had been sent out to members to let them know the new shirts were available.

There being no old business raised for discussion, new business was taken up. Danny K. emphasized the need for more attention to member recruitment. Discussion followed about advertising in other club newsletters in an effort to recruit. No action was taken. Danny K. reported that the Vietnam Veterans were sponsoring two showings of the documentary "Shadow of the Blade" on November 7, 2004 at 1400 and 1800. The showings are to take place at the LBJ auditorium and the price for tickets is $3.00 each with some of the proceeds going to the sponsoring organization. Some ticket sales were arranged.

Announcements followed regarding trailers for sale and other matters for the good of the club.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.




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