Call to Order - 7:17 p.m.

General introductions were skipped in the interests of time and because most members were either regular attendees or had an opportunity to meet immediately prior to the meeting. It was noted that member Mark W. was present for his first meeting as a long distance member currently living and working on the East coast. Members in attendance included: Jim H., Danny K., Scott S., Claude V., Jeff M., John K., Herb T., Ward B., Barry F., Toby C., John S., Rick H., Fred H., Mark W. and Tim W.

Approval of the minutes of the April 2004 meeting were postponed in the absence of the Secretary.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. No problems or concerns were raised regarding financials. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the National MVPA.

No significant developments or updates were provided regarding the website and newsletter.

After action reports were provided on the Fiesta Flambeau Parade, the Great Western Show, and the Central Texas Air Show in Temple. Tim W. reported that only Jim W. attended the Fiesta Flambeau Parade and expressed disappointment about club turnout. It was reported that Jim W. would not be attempting to promote future San Antonio events. It was noted by those present that San Antonio club members other than Jim W. did not attend which left questions as to why. It was further reported that no members were thought to have attended the Great Western Show. The Central Texas Air Show was highlighted as an excellent event despite poor weather on the first day. It was noted that a detailed after action report had been added to the website with a number of pictures.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. and club members based on available information. Included in the list of upcoming events were descriptions, dates, and logistical details. Emphasis was placed on the Gatesville, Texas event on May 29th to coincide with the dedication of the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Other events discussed included an invitation to attend an Austin gun collectors meeting, Memorial Day services, Memorial Day activities at Auditorium Shores in Austin, the Chisholm Trail event in Lockhart, MVPA National Convention, Victory Christian Center Celebration of Heroes, Independence Day Parades, the July 10th McDade Parade, a possible club convoy in August, a military show in Fort Worth, the Rosanke Car Show, and the Iwo Jima 60th Commemoration reenactment in February of 2005. Danny K. received input on who would be interested in attending these events and coordination efforts were initiated with those present. It was determined that there would be no participation in the Lockhart event. Danny K. requested some club items for the National Convention auction as has been done in the past and it was agreed to provide club T-shirts and koozies. It was determined by unanimous vote to hold a club convoy in August leaving from Kaiserville with the tentative plan of going to Rosanke for a tour of the car collection at the local museum. The club decided to work out details on the convoy at upcoming meetings. It was further noted that as in the past additional information will be provided at future meetings, on the web site, and by email as needed.

National news was reported and generally discussed.

Non-dues revenue was discussed with an update to the club on the contributions for machinegun rounds at the Central Texas Air Show and it was noted that the costs of obtaining the rounds had been covered. Costs and potential revenue were once again outlined in regard to the machinegun rounds.

Old business was addressed. The postponement of action on the display cabinet project was briefly revisited with no additional action needed. The "on hold" status and the plan to wait for more non-dues revenue before returning to this project was explained. The idea of once again holding a club fundraiser as part of a "Keep 'Em Rolling" art and vehicle show was raised, and Tim W. explained that the space was already booked this year, but could be available next year if the club expressed a strong interest. It was recommended that a call for entries be incorporated into such a plan and that members be designated to help in the art selection. No motions were made in this regard and no action taken. The need for another T-shirt order was revisited. Tim W. reported that due to other obligations, the order had not yet been placed but would be handled as soon as possible.

New business was discussed with Toby C. raising the need to have more club interactive involvement in such events as the Central Texas Air Show. Specific discussion followed about the difference between static displays and more active participation. It was suggested that a committee or task force be created to contact event organizers to arrange for better coordination and active integration of military vehicles into air shows and similar events. A motion was made by Fred H. and seconded by Ward B., discussed by the members in attendance, and unanimously approved to appoint Toby C. to head up a task force for this purpose and to recruit the necessary members to assist him.

Announcements followed. Tim W. read from the Affiliate News Update from National. Stories are being solicited about mishaps and learning experiences for publication in National's magazines. It was also announced that National is seeking a safety officer. In addition, it was announced that National is seeking convention site bids and discussion followed about the possibility of Austin or Fredericksburg. An additional announcement was made about Web S., Don C., and G Company reenactors possibly having a significant part in an armed forces commercial. Other informal items of general interest to the club were also noted including a truck raffle, equipment/vehicles sought, and travel plans of certain members.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.


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