Call to Order - 7:19 p.m.

General introductions were made of members present. Members in attendance included: Jim H., Jeni L., Danny K., Scott S., John A., Claude V., Bill B., Rick H., Jeff M., John K., Herb T., James T., Barry F., Toby C., Fred H., Jim W., and Tim W.

The 2004 officers were installed.

Minutes of the December 2003 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved with a technical correction to the date format used in regard to the Monster Truck Show reference.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. No problems or concerns were raised regarding financials. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. T-shirt sales and membership renewals were cited as the primary sources of recent income. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the National MVPA. Members of the Lone Star MVPA were noted as 62 with 17 not belonging to National. The National membership percentage was reported as approximately 74%. Possible renewals of lapsed members were discussed and individual members volunteered to make follow-up contact when possible.

Scott S. reported that there was little to no new information to convey regarding the web site.

Tim W. and Jeni L. reported on the status of the newsletter. Copies of the Winter 2003 issue were provided to members in attendance and it was noted that copies would be mailed to members who were not in attendance. Articles from the members were once again requested with emphasis on the need for submissions to go into the War Stories Section. Special thanks was again expressed to Glen V. for the outstanding articles he has provided for the Shade Tree Section.

After action reports were provided on the Monster Truck Show and it was announced that photos with event details were now on the web site.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. and club members based on available information and included the following:

Boy Scout Parade 2/7/04
Houston Gun Show mid-February
Texas Independence Day Parade 3/2/04
Goliad 3/20/04
Brent Mullins Open House 3/26/04 - 3/27/04
Burnet Air Show 4/10/04
Smithville Jamboree 4/17/04
Fiesta Flambeau Parade 4/24/04
Taylor Bloom'n Festival 4/24/04
Central Texas Air Show 5/1/04 - 5/2/04
Great Western Show 5/8/04 - 5/9/04
World War II Memorial Dedication 5/29/04
International MVPA Convention 6/24/04 - 6/26/04
Annual Convoy TBA

Danny received input on who would be interested in attending these events with special emphasis on the Boy Scout Parade. It was further noted that as in the past additional information will be provided at future meetings, on the web site, and by email as needed.

National news was reported and discussed with specific reference to the recent issues of The Transfer Case which summarize important National news items. The National highlights contained in the club newsletter were reported and discussed. Information was provided on the D-Day commemorative events overseas and in the continental United States. Discussion followed about possible participation and related planning.

Non-dues revenue was revisited. Discussion included club T-shirts, camera sales, temporary tattoos, and linked machinegun brass. Costs and potential revenue were once again outlined in regard to the machinegun brass. Additional research was made available through Scott S. who volunteered to make the initial purchase so the club could test the market. Discussion also took place on the need to reorder koozies used to help market the club and for potential non-dues revenue. Danny K. volunteered to take care of the reorder and was encouraged to do so by club President Tim W.

Old business was addressed. Danny K. revisited the costs and options associated with the display cabinet project after explaining that the club has permission to build a case for the museum to display club items. Danny summarized efforts on the bidding process and construction options and noted that two of the interested contractors had dropped out of the bidding. Estimates from the remaining bidder were discussed and input was provided that suggested action be delayed until later in the year when non-dues revenue would be likely to be higher. The matter was deferred.

New business was discussed with focus on the Veterans Parade Committee and the expected recognition of Vietnam War veterans. Danny K. provided related information and indicated that more would be available in the months ahead.

Announcements followed. Tim W. announced the continued availability of the newly designed club shirt and members were encouraged to pick one up. Discussion took place on the possible purchase of long sleeve denim shirts as well. Toby C. announced the availability of wheels and power washer for sale. Jim H. updated the club on the sale of his uniform collection. Paint orders were also announced and coordinated. Tim W. announced the "Rendezvous with Freedom" matching fundraiser for the Austin Film Society and the request for restricted donations to this 501(c)(3) organization. Discussion followed on the possibility of moving the March club meeting to a different date and location to increase attendance and allow for a more social atmosphere. Tim W. volunteered to send out an email to solicit feedback from members who were not present. An additional announcement was made regarding the need for signs and advertisements related to Muster Day.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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