Call to Order - 7:10 p.m.

General introductions were made of members present. Members in attendance included: Jim H., Jeni L., Danny K., Scott S., John A., Fred H., Claude V., Rick H., Jeff M., and Tim W.

Minutes of the October meeting were not ready for review so the plan was announced to review and approve them along with the November meeting minutes.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. No problems or concerns were raised regarding financials. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the national MVPA. Membership was reported as 61 members with 17 members not belonging to National. It was also reported that membership expirations for the chapter are coming up at the end of December and that notices will be sent out. Discussion followed about the possibility of buying a life membership. It was noted that only two members have life memberships since they founded the chapter: Claude V. and Milburn L. A price for purchasing a life membership has never been set. It was further noted that Robin P. has the only known complimentary membership.

An update on continuing efforts with the newsletter "The Transfer Case" was provided with a brief explanation regarding the hold up in production. Tim W. indicated that every effort would be made to expedite newsletter production with the goal of being caught up by year-end.

Scott S. reported on efforts to further enhance the content of the website and informed the members present that he had added all available meeting minutes from January 1997 on. He noted the minutes that are missing and requested electronic copies be provided. Scott further indicated that Claude V. provided an events listing from 1988 to 1996. He also indicated that pictures from 2003 have been reformatted for easier use. In addition, Scott provided an update on the expansion of the website and associated costs. Scott also requested after action reports on the Lakeway, Smithville, and Hutto parades as well as the Brent Mullins Open House.

Tim W. provided an after action report on the Hutto Old Tyme Days Parade describing it as small, but rather interesting given that it took place on dirt roads that went right through the vendor area where crowds were so tight that there were concerns about hitting spectators. Jeff M. and Claude V. provided their after action reports on the Elgin Hogeye Festival noting that the classic car turnout was less than in years past. Danny K. and other members present reported on the Austin Veterans Day Parade and noted that the club had an outstanding turnout of 11 vehicles. Television coverage was good and the crowd was large. Tim W. reported on the D-Day Scholarship Program fundraiser that he attended with John K. and Fred F. He indicated that club participation was well received and that the event is likely to be expanded for next year. Tim W. also provided a positive after action report on the LaVernia reenactment, "Operation Crossroads," based on email received from Jeff H. of G Company. Members thought to have attended the LaVernia event included Toby C. and John K.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. based on available information and included the following:

Boerne Christmas Parade 12/6/03
Bastrop Christmas Parade 12/13/03
Monster Truck Show 1/10 - 11/04

Danny received input on who would be interested in attending these events with special emphasis on the Monster Truck Show due to requirements for participation. It was further noted that additional information will be provided at future meetings as well as by email.

Tim W. explained the bylaws requirements for holding elections and indicated that the current officers were willing to serve another year. Members were encouraged to run for office and it was announced that elections would be held in December with installment of any new officers at the January 2004 meeting.

No national news was provided.

Non-dues revenue was discussed. Tim W. explained that the new T-shirts would bring in about $5 to $6 per shirt depending on the size. Larger shirts were reported to cost a bit more to purchase from the supplier.

Old business was addressed with Danny K. revisiting the display cabinet project and explaining that the club has permission to build a case for the museum to display club items. He went on to explain that the individual who had volunteered to meet with him to assess the project and place a bid, had not been able to meet despite several attempts. Consequently, Danny requested input on other possible choices for building the cabinet. John A. suggested that consideration be given to using his son for this project. John and Danny conferred and made arrangements to explore the possibility of doing so.

New business was discussed. Danny K. reported that the owner of an Army surplus store in Round Rock had contacted him and was interested in having someone paint his 1966 Ford pickup in a camouflage color scheme. Interested members were directed to talk with Danny. Discussion followed about a change in the law regarding the need for state inspection stickers on military vehicles which was described as an unintended consequence of legislative changes. The chances of this amendment to the law causing problems for members were assessed as relatively remote.

Announcements followed. It was announced that the club would hold its Christmas party at the December 17th meeting. Tim W. volunteered to bring food. Scott S. volunteered to bring drinks, and Jeff M. agreed to bring plates, napkins, and utensils. Tim W. also announced that John K. was intending to bring a collection of toy vehicles in keeping with the spirit of the holiday, and members were encouraged to bring any such interesting items that others might enjoy seeing.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.


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