Call to Order - 7:16 p.m.

General introductions were made of members present.

Minutes of the September 17, 2003 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved with the correction of the insertion of the words "to Normandy" after the word "going" in the update on National news.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Jeff M. Year-to-date income was noted along with year-to-date expenses. No problems or concerns were raised regarding financials. Membership numbers were reported along with the estimated percentage of members of the chapter who also belong to the national MVPA. Membership was reported as 61 members with 18 members not belonging to National.

An update on continuing efforts with the newsletter "The Transfer Case" was provided with a brief explanation regarding delays in production.

It was once again noted that the website has reached maximum capacity and that space needs to be increased. Scott S. provided information on the existing site and recommended upgrades. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to increase the website space to 150 megs and to reimburse Scott S. for the related costs. Scott S. also asked for volunteers to take over website management. A brief discussion followed about possible candidates to serve in this capacity. No additional action was taken.

Danny K. provided an after action report on the Manor Lions Fest Parade and the Driftwood Pioneer Days Parade. Jim H. provided an after action report on the Midland Air Show which he attended with Glen V. Scott S. and Danny K. provided an after action report on the Gonzales Come and Take It Parade and various club members reported on the Camp Mabry Muster. Both the Manor Parade and the Driftwood Parade were described as typical small town parades with very short routes. The Gonzales event was highly recommended for future participation due to the large number of participants, the long parade route, and the huge crowds. The Midland Air Show was reported to be a particularly good event and certainly worth the trip. The Camp Mabry Muster was highlighted with some concerns about initial confusion and lack of an organized presentation structure, but was ultimately evaluated as an excellent event worth attending each year.

Upcoming events were outlined by Danny K. based on available information and included the following:

bulletHutto Old Tyme Days Parade 10/18/03
bulletElgin Hogeye Festival 10/25/03
bulletSan Antonio Veterans Day Parade 11/8/03
bulletAustin Veterans Day Parade 11/11/03
bulletOperation Crossroads at LaVernia 11/15/03

Tim W. also provided information on the University of Texas Normandy Scholarship Program fundraiser set for November 14, 2003. It was further noted that additional information on upcoming events can be found on the club web site and will be provided at future meetings as well as by email.

A brief update was presented on National news reminding club members about the Normandy event in 2004 and reporting that Linda Haas from the Arrowhead Chapter was elected to the MVPA Board of Directors.

Non-dues revenue options were passed until a future meeting.

Old business was addressed with Danny K. once again explaining that the club has permission to build a case for the museum to display club items; however no details on the construction of the cabinet were available. Tim W. and Jeni L. reported on the status of the newly designed club T-shirts and the costs for an order of 36 shirts. It was noted that the shirts can be ordered with one or more colors per order. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to authorize Tim W. to order the shirts in olive drab and khaki after taking requests from the members present and sending out an email to the members who could not attend the meeting. A request was made by Claude V. that we look into the possibility of getting the shirts with a left breast pocket.

No new business was discussed.

Danny K. announced that member Robin P. was fulfilling her dream to be a USAF fighter jet pilot and he updated the club on her progress.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

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