Members attending (13) the 15-Aug-01 meeting included. . .

Danny K Don C
Scott S Clay N
John K Richard and Curtis J
Barry F Kenny W
Jim W Claude V
Fred F
Jeff McD
Warren C Loren Wyatt - Guest

The meeting was called to order at 7:17pm by President Danny K.

General Business...

bulletPrior to the meeting, the Treasurer received $38 for T-shirt sales.
bulletGuests were introduced, Loren Wyatt was in from Houston for a friend who recently purchased a mil-veh in the Houston area.  He was here to report on club activities.
bulletSecretary/Newsletter editor Kenny W is back from his summer ROTC duties.  Treasurer Scott S is also back from his motorcycle trip to Alaska.
bulletThe minutes from the July meeting were briefly discussed and approved.
bulletThe treasury report was given by Scott and accepted.
bulletDanny K indicated Toby C was at the National Convention and there were materials for the club if interested.
bulletCurrently, the club has 48 members.  Danny stressed the goal of 50 by the end of the year.  This will surpass our anticipated goal of 45 members.  In addition, National keeps track of the percentages of National members at the local level.  Everyone should be a member of National.
bulletDanny also stressed his desire to achieve a Newsletter award from National this year.


Old Business...

bulletAug 4/5/6 was the VI Cav show in Houston.  Not as good as it has been in the past as it followed National by only 2 weeks.  No mil-veh vendors present whatsoever.
bulletToby sent information on the National convention at Ft. Lee Virginia.  He had indicated it was well attended.  Also at the event, Toby C, Danny K and Scott S were awarded their Expert Driver Award for 1/4 ton vehicles.  Congratulations.


New Business...

bulletUpcoming Events
bulletAugust 26.  American Legion National Convention and Parade in San Antonio.  The club has been contacted to provide general transportation for the parade.  So far, Jim W, Jim S, Greg B, Lewis S, Danny K and Scott S have indicated they will show up.  Plan is to arrive at Ft. Sam Houston 1:30pm  and be ready to depart by 2:15pm.  Parade should be short but massive in people.  An estimated 20,000 participants will be at the convention.
bulletAugust 26.  Vietnam re-enactment near Enchanted Rock/Fredericksberg.  John K will arrive Saturday.  They need people to haul others and water.  Be at the Nimitz museum by 8:00pm Friday night.  From the Nimitz, the group will head about 20 miles to the site.  No public is invited.  Uniform is jungle fatigues - no nylon.  Water and food are a necessity.  
bulletSeptember 22 (sat) is the 10th Annual Lions "Manor Fest".  Parade starts at 10:30.  Be in place in Manor by 8:30.  More info to follow.
bulletSeptember 29 is the convoy at Kaiserville.  aka: Danny's place.  The trip will be approximately 40 miles around his place.  Tentative plans are to show up at Danny's 8:30-9:00am.  There is plenty of room to bring trailers and park them.  Plan on leaving by 10:00am and be back by noon for a bbq lunch, cold beverage, swap meet and fun.  Danny has several yellow beacon lights and some 2-way radios.  A CONVOY AHEAD sign is coming shortly.  Will have coffee in the am as well.
bulletDanny indicated that we should be considering a group to lead the nominations committee for the upcoming elections as required by the by-laws.
bulletOctober 6.  Austin Armor Builders static display at the Manchaca VFW.  See Upcoming Events for details.
bulletOctober 6.  Gonzales "Come and Take it Parade".  
bulletOctober 13.  Hutto Parade.  We did this one 2 years ago and it's about 6 blocks long.  Danny will canvas for interest and information for next meeting.
bulletNovember 3/4.  Austin Muster Day at Camp Mabry
bulletNovember 3/4.  VI Corp Show in Dallas
bulletNovember 3/4.  Vietnam Wall display in Austin.
bulletNovember 11.  Austin Veterans Day Parade.  This year we will stay as a group.  Parade starts at 9:00am.  After the parade, we will possibly meet at Sallitio Park for BBQ.  Vietnam Veteran recognition this year.  A motion was made and seconded for a $50 donation to this cause.
bulletOn the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm at Camp Mabry, a group of military groups meets.
bulletDecember 7th.  60th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor parade starting at 3:00pm.  No fees to participate but will not receive any gas, compensation.  B17 flyover, dance, USO show and bbq are planned for Friday.  No events Saturday.  Fredericksburg????


General Information and Good of the Club...

bulletDanny has started receiving a new trade rag called Military-Trader.
bulletJim Rice (MJR) and his jump accident in France was discussed.  Danny sent a card.
bullet2002 National MVPA convention is June 27/28/29 in the Dallas Area now.
bulletDiscussion about a new T-Shirt order.  We are down to a few xxxxlarge sizes.  Discussion about a pattern on the back was held.
bulletJim W spoke briefly on COL Ralph Parr, a WWII double-ace.  Jim flew with him over Randolph AFB and signed a poster.  He shot down 10 MIG's in the last 15 weeks of the Korean war.
bulletClay N provided information on several mil-veh's he has seen in his deliveries for FedEx.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.




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