** DRAFT **

 Members attending (12) the 21-Mar-01 meeting included . . .      

ü       Danny K

ü       Scott S

ü       Jeff M

ü       Barry F

ü       Toby C

ü       Curtis J

ü       JH M

ü       Claude V

ü       Richard J

ü       John K

ü       Don C

ü       Jim W

General Business . . .

The meeting started at 7:16pm

q       Several members indicated prior to the meeting they would not be able to attend due to sickness or prior commitments.  Kenny called to inform the Executive Board that due to school and work commitments, he would not make the March, April or June meetings.  Danny K asked Scott S to record the minutes in his absence. 

q       The minutes from the 21-Feb-01 meeting were read and approved.

q       Scott S gave the Treasury Report.  The club currently has 42 membership and the treasury amount was accepted as read.  Please provide Scott your National MVPA number if you have it and have not done so.  To verify is Scott has it, look to the roster that was recently mailed.  If the number is present, he has it.  If not, again, please get it to him.

 Old Business . . .  

q       Texas Independence Day Parade was well attended with four vehicles on a drizzly, cold morning.

q       Brent Mullins 2nd Annual Open House was well attended with twelve members present and three vehicles including Scott’s M38A1, Glenn’s CJ2A and Herb’s M37.

q       An impromptu gathering to see the movie “Enemy At The Gate” was held Friday 16-Mar in Austin with four club members and family.  The movie was “good” and was generally about the German advance on Stalengrad and the demoralizing effect of each sides snipers.

q       The opening of the movie “Pearl Harbor” is scheduled for Mar 28 (Memorial Day).  Plans are underway to make this movie another club impromptu event.

 New Business . . .  

q       Burnet Air Show is scheduled for April 14th.  Danny provided a handout of information for this event.  We should be in place by 8:00am.  The show starts at noon and the uniform of the day is period correct, ie: drag.  A motion was made for the club to provide food and beverage which was approved.  Scott indicated he would bring a cooler of beverage and it was agreed that members would bring their own meat (burgers, hotdogs etc).  Danny would provide the grill/accessories to cook.

q       It was repeated the Ft. Hood Korean War event remains postponed.

q       Galveston Air Show is scheduled for April 28/29.  No members present at the meeting were planning on attending this event.  Claude did indicate it is a good event and a terrific museum is located there.

q       Fiesta Flambeau is scheduled for April 28.  This is a night parade.  Jim W indicated he would attend and asked how to rig lights on his jeep for the event.

q       Georgetown Air Show remains scheduled for May 4-6.  This will be a club event and uniform of the day is period correct.  This year we will be on the public side of the taxi-way.  Last year we were on the inside or secure side.  Re-enactors will be on the secure side.  Wristbands to come at a later date.  If asked for a password, it’s four letters indicating the name of the group of re-enactors we are all familiar with.  There will be no funds distributed to the club this year for participation in the event.  HEB pulled out $20,000 in sponsorship money of which we normally receive $500 for our services.  A short discussion was held regarding a fund raiser activity which was quickly shelved.  Barry indicated he will investigate T-Shirts and imprinting.

q       Kars for Kids Car Show is scheduled for May 12.  This will be a club event and is located at the Sonic Drive-In on Riverside just East of Congress Ave.  More information will follow.

q       Long Range Desert Convention is scheduled for May 19-20 at the Vintage Villias at Hudson Bend Road and RR620 by the dam.  Danny indicated he as tried a number of times to make contact with their representative with no success.  This may be a club event and the uniform will be period correct.

q       Chisholm Trail Roundup is scheduled for June 9.  This will be a club event in Lockhart.  Arrival time should be no later than 8:00am with judging at 8:30 or so.

q       Texas Folk Life event will be in San Antonio.  Jim W indicated he would provide more information on this event.

q       McDade Parade is scheduled for July 14.  This club event is held in McDade, (East on 290 a bit past Elgin)  Uniform will be Club “T”’s as it’s usually quite hot.

q       National MVPA Convention is scheduled for July 18-21 at Ft. Lee, VA.  Toby indicated he will try to attend.

q       Lakeway 4-Jul Parade is scheduled for Wednesday July 4 in Lakeway.  This will be a club event and indications are that Scott from Lakeway will provide his house to us after the event.  Stay tuned for details.

q       Pearl Harbor Event in Fredericksburg is scheduled for December 7th.  More information to follow as known.

q       San Marcos Air Show will NOT occur this year.  However, the annual Dinner Dance will.

q       SAVE CAMP MABRY!  The Austin American Statesman ran an article about a representative Richard Junell (512.463.0472) who is floating the idea of a land swap for Camp Mabry and Camp Swift.  He wants to move the state offices and operations to Camp Swift and open up Camp Mabry for development.  There are many problems associated with this activity.  PLEASE contact him to voice your concern.  Representative Ann Kitchens (512.463.0700) appears to be on our side and is working with fellow club member Harry R.  Also, you may wish to contact representative Terry Keel and voice your concern.   We as a club do NOT want this move to occur.

 General Information . . .  

q       Milburn Locke has expressed an interest in hosting a convoy/trail-ride at his place in Evant (Purmela) when we have time.  A short discussion occurred and the general consensus is to move forward with his offer.

q       General Scribner approved our club installing a shadow box/display case similar to the Purple Heart one in the museum.  We can place information about the club, awards etc in the case as we deem fit.

q       General Scribners “Adopt-A-Vehicle” program has already paid off for one museum vehicle.  Richard and Curtis J have spent three weekends working on the XM-211 deuce and a half and now have it running like a top.  The truck was de-milled by welding the hood “T” pulls shut in addition to the windshield frame.  They took a small grinder and ground off the bottom side of the “T” nuts to gain access.  After a fresh external gallon of fuel, an external fuel pump and a new battery was rigged, the truck fired right up.  Congratulations went to them for their effort.

q       There is an event scheduled for October 5 by the “12th Armored Division Association” in Abilene.  They have asked for donor vehicles for their museum.  The club discussed this and there is no interest in providing vehicles – running or otherwise.

q       Scott S. gave the presentation for this meeting.  He has been doing research on a COL. in the Army during the Battle of the Bulge for a gentleman he met at the VA hospital in Kerrville.

q       Auction Plus in Leander is currently receiving a new batch of about 31 M35A2’s.  Contact Lynn there for more information and pricing.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:26pm.


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