** DRAFT **

Members attending (14) the 17-Jan-01 meeting included . . .      

ü       Danny K

ü       Richard/Curtis J

ü       Claude V

ü       Jeff McD

ü       Scott S

ü       Fred F

ü       Lewis S

ü       Ron F

ü       Barry F

ü       Joe V

ü       Bill M

ü       Kenny W

ü       Don C


 General Business . . .

 The meeting started at 7:15pm

q       Secretary/Newsletter Kenny W indicated he would be running about an hour late and asked if Scott S would record the minutes.

q       Notification was provided to those members in attendance that fellow club member Pantaleon Castillo passed away Sunday, 14-Jan-01.  Danny indicated the club sent flowers.  Scott indicated he would send a sympathy note to the family.

q       The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.

q       Treasury report was given by Treasurer Scott S.  There are currently 32 paid members and the treasury balance was accepted.  A proposal was presented by Scott to change the membership due date from 02/28 to 12/31 to bring the memberships more in line with a calendar year.  The motion was read, accepted and approved by those members in attendance.

Old Business . . . 

q       President Danny K reviewed the club MVPA (Most Valuable Participant Award) structure.  One point will be awarded for attending an event.  Two points awarded for attending a ‘non-sponsored’ event with a vehicle and three points awarded for attending a ‘sponsored’ club event with a vehicle. 

 New Business . . . 

q       An overview was presented on the San Antonio monster truck show.

q       The annual Boy Scout parade is on Feb 10.  Those indicating they will attend include:  Fred, Scott, Danny and Toby.  Bill indicated he sold the Kube.  Staging will be at the Austin American Statesman lot at 8:30am

q       Texas Independence Day Parade remains scheduled for Friday March 2.  Those intending to bring vehicles include: Barry, Scott, Bill and Lewis.

q       Bastrop Mardi-Gras parade scheduled for the Saturday March 3.

Goliad parade scheduled for Saturday March 17.  Same day as Brent’s event.  There was a discussion on which event would be attended by the membership and it leaned towards Brent’s event.

Brent Mullins event is scheduled for March 17th.

Burnet Air Show is scheduled for April 14th.

The Ft. Hood Korean War event is scheduled for April 21.

The Georgetown Air-show is scheduled for May 4-5-6.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.

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