Members (12) in attendance for the 15-Nov-00 meeting included:

Danny K

Fred F

John K

Scott S

Lewis S

Jeff M

George O

Jim W


Joe V

Greg B


Barry F

Toby C


John K and Jeff M each have complimentary memberships through 31-Dec-00.


President Danny K called the meeting to order at 7:15pm.  Danny indicated that Kenny W/Secretary & Newsletter Editor would not be present this evening due to school/military commitments.  Danny asked Scott S/Treasurer if he would record the meeting’s activities.  There was no reading of last meetings minutes. 

The treasurers’ report was presented by Scott.  The club currently has forty paid members and the treasury balance was read and accepted.  There are currently 5 complimentary memberships active at this time. 

A short discussion was held on distribution of membership billings for the next year.  The result was membership dues will remain at $12.00 for a single year and multi-year rates will remain $30 for 3 years and $50 for 5 years.  Those members with multi-year memberships will not receive a bill but will receive a notice of when their membership expires.  Danny also encouraged all members to promptly return their dues upon receipt of the invoice. 

Scott gave a short update on the status of the club web-site.  All members are encouraged to send Scott a favorite picture (or jpg) of their vehicle(s) for ultimate posting on the site when completed.  There still is no resolution with Geocities on a password re-generation.  However, Scott has secured another location to host the site if needed. 

Danny then welcomed our newest complimentary members Jeff M and John K to our meeting.


Ø       Veterans Day Parade.  This was an excellent event according to all those present.  The club had great participation with 8 vehicles and several trailers.  Hugh D carried the parade Grand Marshall in his M38 and John K carried Kesha Stidham, a US COLE survivor in his MB.  Three vehicles were allocated to the TAVV and others were allocated to various VFW posts. 

Ø       Muster Day.  This year was a rainy, wet event held primarily at the museum.  Those in attendance included Bill M and his Kube, Scott S and his M38A1, John K and his MB, Jeff McDonald and his MB, Barry F and Jim S in period correct uniform. 

Ø       VI Corp show.  Danny K gave an overview of the show indicating it was not as large as years past primarily due to the weekend and other scheduled events such as deer season.  He indicated next years show will have a date of 3-4-Nov-01.  Again, it was raining in the Dallas area and there were considerably fewer vehicles on display then normal. 

Ø       TAVV Motorcycle Ride.  Scott S told of his motorcycle ride with the TAVV to the Kerrville Veterans hospital and speaking with a WWI vet who is 101 years old. 



Ø       San Antonio Veterans Day Parade is scheduled for this coming weekend.  Jim W. indicated he would attend. 

Ø       Nomination Committee.  Nomination chair, George O reported the slate is finalized for the December elections and will be presented for vote at that meeting (20-Dec-00).  Any other club members may nominate at that time in accordance with the by-laws. 

Ø       New meeting location.  The meeting was held in the museum instead of the Main Hall.  Due to State budget issues, the club learned we should not have been able to use the Main Hall for the past two years.  General Scibner (Ret) is in charge of the museum and indicated we could use the meeting facilities there for a ‘donation’ to the museum.  A discussion was held on the cost/benefits and Jim W made a motion to donate $200 for a lifetime club membership so that we may have a meeting place indefinitely.  George O seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.  

Ø       Texas/Texas A&M Football Game.  John K provided information on the upcoming re-dedication of Memorial Stadium.  At this time, 7 members are planning on attendance for the static display before and after the game.  Two tickets are included for attendance at this event.  Dress will be in period correct uniform.


Ø       December.  Possible Toy Run still in planning stages but not much interest has been generated.  Club Executive Board Elections are scheduled for 20-Dec-00. 

21-Apr-01.  Korean War event at Fort Hood

??-Oct-01.  Austin Armour Builders Society (modeling club) has requested our participation at their event

07-Dec-01.  Pearl Harbor 60th anniversary event at Nimitz

??-May-01.  Kars for Kids show looking for ‘goodies’ to pass out. 

Ø       San Antonio lists their events in the paper.  Jim W suggested we try and participate in as many as possible and see how the club could better communicate on short notice.  The use of e-lists was brought up.  Scott S indicated he was in the process of soliciting all members email addresses and would look into it. 


Ø       Handouts were provided by Danny K.  Content varied. 

Ø       Danny K brought forward an item related to club purchase of koozie drink holders.  For $250, the club could have 100 printed with the club logo and give one to each member as well as include one in each new member packet.  A discussion ensued on spending club money for this and was favorably received by those in attendance.  Toby C motioned to move forward on the purchase.  Jim W seconded, a vote was taken and passed unanimously. 

Ø       Danny K located information on the WWII ‘cricket-clickers’.  Ed Hall with Quonset Hut may have some. 

Ø       Danny K passed out Korean 50th Anniversary pins and magnetic stickers for each club member. 

Ø       A discussion was led by Toby C about breaking up the club vehicles for events.  Several ideas were discussed with pro and con as to staying together or allocating vehicles to other groups.  The club agreed to further discuss this as it was important to how we as a club portray ourselves to the public vs providing a public service to groups outside of the club. 

Ø       Those with concealed carry permits, check-out for information. 


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting and was seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
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