Members attending (12) the 17-May-00 meeting included. . .

President: Danny K
Vice President: Claude V
Secretary: Kenny W
Treasurer: Scott S
Event Coordinator:
Webmaster: Scott S


Hugh D Bill M
Jim W Richard J
Curtis J JH M
Fred F Ron F

The meeting was called to order.

General Business...

bulletThe Meeting Minutes from last months meeting were read and approved as corrected.
bulletThe Treasurers Report was read and accepted.  There are currently 35 paid members.


Old Business...

bulletScott reported he is still working on the TxDot report of military license plate registrations for potential solicitation of membership.
bulletDanny spoke of the Vietnam Wall Experience attended by several members.  Danny brought his M151A2 and Scott brought his M38A1.  Between 58,000 and 60,000 people signed the guest book during the walls stay in Round Rock.
bulletThe Georgetown Air Show was a success teaming up three distinct groups including the CAF, MVPA and TMHS.  A discussion was held regarding the potential to get a write-up in the Austin American Statesman about the club's vehicles, attendance etc.
bulletThe Kars for Kids car show was a success with excellent weather and lots of vehicles. In excess of $21,908 was raised.  The only complaints were the band was too loud.  A suggestion was made to move our group to the center of the parking lot.


New Business...

bulletJim W indicated the club is invited to the Randolph AFB event May 27-28.  The 26th starts at noon and ends at 7pm.  The 27th is 6am to 9am.
bulletJH indicated there was a parade with the Williamson County Sheriff Rodeo on May 27th beginning at 11am.
bulletJune 10 remains the Chisholm Trail roundup parade in Lockhart.
bulletWe are welcome to attend the Schertz July 4th parade.  However, there will be no food etc at Jim's place afterwards.
bulletMcDade remains scheduled for July 8th.  This is a Club Event.  The parade starts at 3pm.  Judging is at 1:45.
bulletWe have an invitation from Bastrop for Aug 5th.  Lineup is at 7:30am with the parade at 10:00am.
bulletGonzales Come and Take It remains scheduled for October 7th.
bulletHutto Old Tyme Days remains scheduled for Oct 21st.
bulletMuster Day is scheduled for the first weekend in November.  (Nov 4-5)  This is the same weekend as the VI Corps show in Dallas.
bulletThe Austin Veterans Day Parade remains scheduled for November 11.


General Information and Good of the Club...

bulletDanny provided information on the Solar-Gizer, a battery 'maintainer' sold through his company.  The product comes in 12 and 24 volt applications and simultaneously pings/drains as well as charges the battery.
bulletDanny asked that we all police our areas after meetings and events.
bulletVideo or still photographs of the Georgetown re-enactment are in the works at this time.
bulletJim W donated a 1953 Marx military truck to the club.  Danny accepted the gift on behalf of the club.
bulletClaude asked the membership if anyone was interested in traveling to Kansas City for the National MVPA convention later this year.

The meeting was adjourned.




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